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- Terzioğlu S, Sapmaz A, Kılıç M, Karaca A. ;Terzioğlu SG , Sapmaz A, Kılıç MO, Karaca AS, Predictive factors of neoplastic gallbladder polyps: Outcomes of 278 patients,Turk J Gastroenterol 2017; 28: 202-6. Turk J Gastroenterol, 2017; 28(3):202-206. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Terzioğlu, S, Özgürkılıç, M, Sapmaz, A, Karaca A. ;The Prevalence of Incidental Thyroid Carcinoma in Patients Who Underwent Thyroidectomy for Multinodular Goiter. Indian J Surg (2017), 2017; :-. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A. ;Cases of Ferguson Hemorrhoidectomy: 10-Years? Experience of a Single Surgeon.. J Clin Anal Med, 2017; 8(4):307-310. ( Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Scopus, Embase, Türkiye Atıf Dizini )
- Demirer S, Sapmaz A, Karaca A, Kepenekci İ, Aydintug, S, Balcı D, Sonyurek P, Köse K. ;Effects Of Postoperative Parenteral Nutrition With Different Lipid Emulsions In Patients Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery. Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research, 2016; 91(6):309-315. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A, Okaraca S, Ali R, Çapar M, Karaca S. ;Is Graft Use Safe in Emergency Inguinal Hernia Repair?. J Clin Anal Med, 2016; 7(2):236-239. ( Emerging Sources Citation index (ESCI), DOAJ,EBSCO,Index Scholar, Scopemed,Google Scholar,Web of Science,Türkiye Atıf Dizini )
- Karaca A, Ersoy O, Ozkan N, Yerdel M. ;Comparıson of Inguınal Hernıa Repaırs Performed wıth Lıchtensteın, Rutkow-Robbıns, and Gılbert Double Layer Graft Methods. Indian J Surg DOI 2013 10.1007/s12262-013-0809-4. Indian J Surg, 2015; 77(1):28-33. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A, Gündoğdu R, Özdoğan M, Ersoy E. ; Intravenous Versus Oral Antibiotic Prophylaxis Efficacy for Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian J Surg, 2015; 77(2):640-644. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A. ;Kolorektal Kanser Epidemiyolojisi ve Türkiyedeki Durum. Actual Medicine, 2015; 18(8):28-32.
- Kara G, Sapmaz, A, Karaca AS, Terzioğlu, SG, Kuzu MA. ;A Better Quality of Life on Pilonidal Sinus Disease; Limberg Flap? Unroofing?. J Ann Eu Med, 2015; 3(3):1-5. ( EBSCO,MLA, DOAJ )
- Karaca A, Ali R, Çapar M, Karaca S. ;Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Experience in a General Surgery Clinic. J Clin Anal Med, 2015; 6(Suppl1):71-74. ( Emerging Sources Citation index (ESCI), DOAJ,EBSCO,Index Scholar, Scopemed,Google Scholar,Web of Science,Türkiye Atıf Dizini )
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- Karaca A, Ali R, Çapar M, Karaca S. ;Genel cerrahi endoskopi ünitemizdeki rektal kanamalarda kolonoskopi deneyimlerimiz. Ankara Med J, 2014; 4:151-155. ( Index Copernicus )
- Karaca A, Ali R, Çapar M, Karaca S. ;The prevalence of incidental thyroid carcinoma who underwent thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter, endemic goiter area.2013 doi: 10.5336/medsci.2013-36214. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 2014; 34(2):189-193. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A. ;Kasık Fıtıklarında Mesh Plug Onarımı; Tek Cerrahın Deneyimi. J Clin Anal Med, 2014; 5(6):472-474. ( Emerging Sources Citiantion Index )
- Karaca A, Çapar M, Ali R. ;The First Trocar Entry in the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Which Technique?. J Clin Anal Med, 2014; 5(1):1-3. ( Emerging Sources Citation index (ESCI), DOAJ,EBSCO,Index Scholar, Scopemed,Google Scholar,Web of Science,Türkiye Atıf Dizini )
- Keskinkılıç B, Gültekin M, Turan H, Karaca S. ;Kolon kanseri ile mücadele çalışmaları. Sağlık ve İnsan, 2013
- Karaca A, Ali R, Çapar M, Karaca S. ; Comparison of Limberg flap and excision and primary closure of pilonidal sinus disease, in terms of quality of life and complications. 2013 Nov;85(5):236-239.. J Korean Surg Soc, 2013; 85(5):236-239. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A, Gündoğdu R, Özdoğan M, Devay A. ;Türkiye?deki cerrahların tercih ettiği kasık fıtığı ameliyatı onarım yöntemleri ve yöntem seçimlerine etki eden faktörler. Turkish Medical Journal, 2012; 1:8-12. ( Index Copernicus )
- Yucel A, Pergel A, Aydın I, Kocakuşak A, Unlu En, E, Karakaya A, Karaca A, Şahin D. ;Sigmoid Divertikulit: 13 Hasta ile Klinik Deneyimlerimiz. (Haseki Tıp Bülteni, 2012; 50(1):21-24. ( Index Copernicus )
- Ozban M, Genc V, Karaca S, Cetinkaya O, Oztuna D. ; The effects of exercise on portal venous system in splenectomized adults.. Bratisl Lek Listy., 2012; 113(6):376-378. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Genç V, Genç A, Karaca A, Çipe, G, Nergiz, E, Başçeken, S, Turgay M. ;Panniculitis as a Complication of Herpes Zoster. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 2011; 16(1):36-37. ( index copernicus )
- Genc V, Karaca As A, Orozakunov E, Cakmak A, Sevim Y, Ustuner E E, Oztuna D, Hazinedaroglu Sm. S. ;Multiple renal arteries challenge in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: how far can we go? J Korean Surg Soc. 2011 Apr;80(4):272-7. Epub 2011 Apr 12.. J Korean Surg Soc., 2011; 80(4):272-277. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Pergel A, Yucel A, Karaca A, Aydin I, Sahin D, Demirbag N. ;A therapeutic and diagnostic dilemma: granular cell tumor of the breast.. Case Report Med.972168. Epub 2011 Apr 6.Pergel A, Yucel AF, Karaca AS, Aydin I, Sahin DA, Demirbag N, 2011; :-. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Genç V, Genç A, Karaca A, Çipe G, Nergiz E, Başçeken Sİ, Turgay M. ;Lupus Panniculitis as a Complication of Herpes Zoster. Fırat Tıp Dergis, 2011; 16(1):36-37. ( Index Copernicus )
- Genc V, Cetinkaya O, Kayilioglu I, Karaca A, Cipe G, Unal A. ;Splenic infarction as a complication of celiac artery thromboembolism: an unusual cause of abdominal pain.. J Korean Surg Soc., 2011; 81(5):360-362. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Genç V, Karaca A, Kocaay A, Erkek A. ;Localization of Stricture in Crohn?s Disease with Foley Catheter. J Korean Surg Soc, 2011; 80(1):164-164. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Genc V, Kirimker O, Ersöz Ş, Karaca A, Orozakunov E, Cipe G. ;Massive uterovaginal prolapse secondary to chronic ascites in an elderly lady. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics., 2011; 14:386-386. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Pergel A, Yücel A, Karaca A, Aydın I, Şahin D. ;İleusun Nadir Bir Sebebi: Safra Taşı İleusu. Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty,, 2010; 17(4):-. ( Index Copernicus )
- Pergel A, Yücel A, Karaca A, Aydın I, Şahin D. ;İleusun Nadir Bir Sebebi: Safra Taşı İleusu. Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty, 2010; 17(4):-. ( Index Copernicus )
- Karayalçin R, Genç V, Karaca A, Özakşıt G. ;Prevalence of cholelithiasis in a Turkish population sample of postmenopausal women. Turk J Gastroenterol, 2010; 21(4):416-420. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Karaca A, Demirer S. ;Meme Kanseri ve Cerrahi. Actual Medicine, 2010; 18(8):41-50.
- Genç V, Kayilioglu I, Karaca S, Kocaay F, Selvi O, Yilmaz A, Unal E. ;Myofascial necrosis as a complication of central venous catheterization in a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.. J Vasc Access., 2010; 11(4):362-363. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Genç V, Akbari M, Karaca A, Çakmak A, Ekıncı C, C, Gurel M. ;Why is isolated spleen metastasis a rare entity?.. Turk J Gastroenterol., 2010; 21(4):452-453. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Çipe G, Genç V, Karaca A, Çakmak A, Baskan S. ;Üst Ekstremite Yerleşimli Kistik Higroma: Olgu Sunumu. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2009; 62(4):-. ( index copernicus )
- Karaca A, Yücel A, Şahin D, Çapar M, Ali R. ;Karaca AS, Yücel AF, Şahin DA , Çapar M, Ali R Laparoskopik Kolesistektomi?de 5 Yıllık Deneyimimiz, Turkish Medical Journal 2009;3(3):137-40. Turkish Medical Journal, 2009; 3(3):137-140. ( index copernicus )
- Karaca S, Ersoy O, Kayaoğlu H, Özkan N, Çelik A, Özüm T. ;Endemik Guatr Bölgesinde Değişik Nedenlerle Yapılan Tiroidektomilerde Komplikasyon Oranları: 331 Olgunun Retrospektif Analizi. Endokrinolojide Diyalog, 2008; 5(1):26-30. ( Index Copernicus )
- Ersoy O, Karaca S, Kayaoglu H, Ozkan N, Celik A A, Ozum T. ;Comparison of different surgical options in the treatment of pilonidal disease: retrospective analysis of 175 patients.. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 2007; 23(2):67-70. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )
- Tüzüner A, Kuzu M, Akın B, Karaca A, Hazinedaroğlu S. ; The effect of hyaluronan-based agents on adhesion formation in an intraabdominal sepsis model.. Dig Dis Sci., 2004; 49(6):1054-1061. ( SCI-Exp : Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI dahil) )